If you would like AZMen to bring a Presentation to your Organization or Group, please leave information below and someone will contact you.
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Patty Porter commented
2023-07-23 15:02:47 -0700
Community meeting to educate the public on how to help eradicate child trafficking.
Terry Flores commented
2022-02-17 07:22:57 -0700
Looking to set up fundraiser and watch party on women speakers who tell their story. “Triumph of Trafficking”. Would love to have a presentation by and for Men at this event in April 2022.
Please contact me to see if this is possible to schedule.
Evelyn Shoop commented
2020-06-12 00:13:07 -0700
Becky Ao commented
2019-01-07 13:01:47 -0700
Hello AZMen – I am a leader in my women’s group at church. We are seeking education on sex trafficking (how we can be aware, what to look for, ways to support the cause to fight it, etc.). Please contact me.
Showing 4 reactions
Please contact me to see if this is possible to schedule.